Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (2024)

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  • Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (9)
  • Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (10)
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Comprehensive Plan


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Lakeland’s Comprehensive Plan(often called the 'Comp Plan')is a 10-year blueprint to guide future growth of the city, striking a delicate balance between economic development, sustainability and quality of life.

It examines relevant information such as population projections, the pattern of existing development, the suitability of land for development, the capacity of public facilities to serve future development, and the city's financial capacity to make improvements to those facilities.

It establishes official city policies toward land use and growth. It includes a Future Land Use Map that regulates the general type of land use that is allowed (commercial, industrial, residential, etc.) and the maximum density (living units per acre) or intensity (square feet of building area) of those uses.

The State of Florida requires all counties and municipalities to adopt comprehensive plans. (Chapter 163.3177 of Florida Statutes)

All land use decisions made by the City must be in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.

What will Lakeland look like 5, 10, or 20 years from now?

The current Comprehensive Plan --Our Community 2030-- is a vision and roadmap for Lakeland’s future. It balances the need to preserve our rich history while accommodating development and encouraging innovation. It includes goals and policies to guide City decisions about where to build new jobs and housing; where to make capital investments in roads, utilities, and parks; how to preserve and improve existing neighborhoods.

Chapters of the Comprehensive Plan are organizedaround 5 core visions and values:

  • Vibrant and inclusive community
  • Efficient and well-maintained infrastructure
  • Safe and convenient mobility options
  • Attractive and environmentally friendly community
  • Responsible and accessible government

Community input played a large role in identifying and fine-tuning these values. The "Look Forward Lakeland!" campaign reached residents of all incomes, ethnicities, and areas of the city to bring diverse ideas into our community's vision for its future.

Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (14)

Creating the Plan: 'Look Forward Lakeland'

Highlights of the plan...

  • Vibrant and Inclusive Community

    Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (15)

  • Efficient and Well-Maintained Infrastructure

    Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (16)

  • Safe and Convenient Mobility Options

    Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (17)

  • Attractive and Environmentally-Friendly Community

    Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (18)

  • Responsible and Accessible Government

    Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (19)


The current Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Lakeland City Commission on July 19, 2021 (Ordinance 5885) after a nearly two-year-long update and review process. It was a substantial overhaul of the previous nearly 800-page version, producing a much more user-friendly and streamlined document that is almost 500 pages leaner.

Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (20)

Comprehensive Plan Amendments

The Comprehensive Plan is a living document. When the land use designation on a parcel of land is changed from one classification to another, it requires a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA). CPAs are governed by State Statutes (Chapter 163.3184 and 163.3187).

Amendments can be initiated by public or private sectors in two forms:

  • Text Amendments—modify, add, or delete text in the Comprehensive Plan
  • Map Amendments—change the land use category of a parcel on the Future Land Use Map

The posted version of the plan might not contain all amendments (see disclaimer below). For more information, contact the Planner-on-Demand.


The City of Lakeland's Community and Economic Development Department has posted the link to the electronic version of the City of Lakeland Comprehensive Plan on our website for the convenience of the public. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained herein is accurate and up-to-date. However, the City of Lakeland does not provide any guarantee, express or implied, as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information contained herein; nor shall the City of Lakeland be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, represented by the information contained herein. Furthermore, in no event will the City of Lakeland be liable for any lost profits or any damages, including direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or any other types of damages, arising out of the use of this electronic version of the City of Lakeland Comprehensive Plan on the Internet.

If you are relying upon the Comprehensive Plan to make a legal decision or a decision regarding the purchase of property, you are urged to contact the City of Lakeland Community and Economic Development Department.

The Community and Economic Development Department is located within City Hall at 228 S. Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801, and can be reached by calling 863.834.6011.

Contact Us

Comprehensive Plan


  • Planning
  • 863.834.7526


  • Comprehensive Plan
    • Comprehensive Plan: Our Community 2030
    • Table of Amendments
    • Quick Reference Guide to 'Our Community: 2030'
    • Previously Adopted 2010-2020 Plan
    • Previously Adopted 2000-2010 Plan
  • ePlan
  • Long Range Planning
    • Annexation
    • Large Development (DRIs)
    • Sector Plans
  • Transportation
  • Planner On-Demand
    • Calendly Card
  • Zoning/Fees
    • Applications
    • Variances
    • Zoning Verification Request
    • How to Apply
  • FAQs





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Comprehensive Plan | City of Lakeland (2024)


What are the three main parts of most comprehensive plans for cities? ›

The Elements of a Comprehensive Plan
  • Existing conditions. The existing conditions section is an accurate description of the community's current status. ...
  • Goals and objectives. The heart of the comprehensive plan is the community's goals for itself. ...
  • Implementation.
Jul 26, 2019

What is the Comprehensive Plan of the city of Hernando? ›

The Comprehensive Plan is a Policy Statement that is adopted by the governing body that describes their vision for the development of the City of Hernando over a set period of time, usually 20 to 30 years. It is a big picture look at what the City of Hernando will look like at the end of the planning period.

What is the Lakeland Development plan? ›

Lakeland's Comprehensive Plan (often called the 'Comp Plan') is a 10-year blueprint to guide future growth of the city, striking a delicate balance between economic development, sustainability and quality of life.

What is the City of Lilburn Comprehensive Plan? ›

The City of Lilburn 2030 Comprehensive Plan consists of three (3) separate components; a Community Assessment, a Community Participation Program and the Community Agenda. The Community Agenda includes the Community Vision, the Future Land Use Plan and the Implementation Schedule.

How to prepare a comprehensive plan? ›

Comprehensive planning process
  1. Identifying issues. The planner must first address the issue they are investigating. ...
  2. Stating goals. ...
  3. Collecting data. ...
  4. Preparing the plan. ...
  5. Creating implementation plans. ...
  6. Evaluating alternatives. ...
  7. Adopting a plan. ...
  8. Implementing and monitoring the plan.

What is the purpose of a comprehensive plan? ›

A comprehensive plan (also called a master plan or comprehensive development plan) is a document prepared for a community, county or specific region which establishes an overall plan and recommended actions relevant to the current and future needs of the area.

What is the comprehensive City development plan? ›

The CDP is the document that pertains to the multi-sectoral plan formulated at the city or municipal level, which embodies the vision, sectoral goals, objectives, development strategies, and priorities within the terms of the LGU officials and the medium term.

Who is known as the creator of the City beautiful movement and Comprehensive Plan for the world Columbian Exposition in Chicago? ›

The movement first gained ground in 1893 with the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Daniel H. Burnham headed the construction of the fair's temporary city, known to those who attended as the “White City,” a semi-utopia in which visitors were meant to be shielded from poverty and crime.

What is the Hernando County local mitigation strategy? ›

The Hernando County Local Mitigation Strategy is a plan developed by the county to reduce and or eliminate the risks associated with natural and man-made hazards. This plan must be in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.

Why is Lakeland Florida growing? ›

He says property taxes in Polk County are generally less expensive, and more people are moving to Lakeland from all over the country because it's an attractive market. "I think Lakeland is a well-run city. It's clean. There are a lot of opportunities here.

What are the values of the city of Lakeland? ›

City of Lakeland Values

Integrity: Honest and ethical to earn the trust of fellow employees and citizens. Commitment to Excellence: Achieve measurable success and continuous improvement through investment of resources, a focus on efficiency and accountability, and high expectations for quality.

Why retire in Lakeland Florida? ›

Lakeland is known for a laid-back Florida lifestyle that embraces the outdoors through places like the stunningly beautiful Hollis Gardens. Residents can also enjoy the outdoors at places like Lake Parker Park, Common Ground Park, and the Circle B Bar Reserve.

What is the city of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan? ›

The Comprehensive Plan (aka Update 2024) is a 20-year roadmap for how the City will plan for and accommodate growth. It will establish the vision for what Federal Way will be by 2044 and contain the necessary goals and policies to guide the implementation of the vision.

What is the Conshohocken Borough Comprehensive Plan? ›

Conshohocken's 10-Year Comprehensive Plan is a document that provides an officially adopted framework for managing continued growth, while preserving existing assets. It determines how we update the zoning code, apply for funding, and prioritize investments over the next decade.

What is the Comprehensive Plan of the city of Woodburn? ›

The Woodburn Comprehensive Plan is the controlling land use document for the City and its Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). From a land use perspective, the comprehensive plan is like a state or federal constitution: it provides the legal framework and long-term vision for implementing plans and land use regulations.

What are the 3 major types of plans? ›

There are three major types of planning, which include operational, tactical and strategic planning. A fourth type of planning, known as contingency planning, is an alternative course of action, which can be implemented if and when an original plan fails to produce the anticipated result.

What are the three main parts of a comprehensive patient plan of care? ›

A care plan consists of three major components: The case details, the care team, and the set of problems, goals, and tasks for that care plan.

What are the three main parts of a plan? ›

Effective strategic planning is a process that should be broken down into three separate, equally important components: strategic thinking, long-range planning, and operational planning.

What are the three 3 primary parts of a business plan? ›

Main Components of a Business Plan
  • Executive summary. This is your five-minute elevator pitch. ...
  • Business description and structure. This is where you explain why you're in business and what you're selling. ...
  • Market research and strategies. ...
  • Management and personnel. ...
  • Financial documents.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.