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- Publication:
- The Cincinnati Posti
- Location:
- Cincinnati, Ohio
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- 36
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THE CINCINNATI Want Utadquartcrt I'AUE 37 Businesu Opportunities TFant Ad Ueailquarien Musical Instruments 35 Miscellaneous tor So57 Miscellaneous for Sale 67 S2 Mu it cal Instruments Miscellaneous for Sale rnmam 57 Flats Apts forRen! Whiritvrrn1 -Three I WALNUT IIILLH 2113 Kltt7-v als-hemi I "IF IT'H VT HAVE You ran Ihijr Worn a Whulreuln H-uiko 175 Tj) Violins ijuJ73 Up IIriijoh TIME FOR GARAGES KfiXfipliGjiiix I'j Trnp Drum Outfit Up KA8Y TEUMH DAVITT HANSER SAVE THAT OK 10 IlEXT THIS WINTER AVE ARK SELLING' ONE OR TWO OARAGES PER 11AY JIECAUSH OUR PRICES ARK LOWEST IN TOWN THEY ARM WELL DESIGNED AND CONFORM WITH ALL EUILDING CODES WE GIVE FREE PLANS WITH ORDER OCR OWN MEN WILL ERECT 'THEM IF YOU DO NOT CARE TO DO THAT YOURSELF WHOLESALE ML'KKJ IIOL'HE 304 MAIN KTKFKT MAIN 4073 52 Savin" "4 Sal" hhvo on any mnki or modrl luttltdrtWU'ULCNrttl UiMitNUiPiiiUHli 55 Sewing Mach tor Sole ON COMPLETE NEW MATERIALS ONLY Vtttttttin Ii I PRICES liEU)W 7900 5 12x18 9400 18x20 $14200 18x18 $13600 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN SEWING MACHINES i ''uwiwiwKiiWKaiUi un snwianwiiMrruiitiainiru wnna AHnwcnwin'iii lU'HJa'vnMiiiMUUammiiii WE ALSO HAVE OTHER SIZES AND TYPES TO SUIT LARGE OR SMALL PURSES ji OUR PRICE INCLUDES KOOFIXO DOORS SASH HARDWARE GLASS AND LUM- HER CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS AND FLOORS LAID AT LOW PIUCES CALL OUR ESTIMATOR FOR RIDS You ran at 11 7th Our Kcrvirc Deport incut lkieka All SuIcm -Ji miritt n- it(niswi-i uimr'HH a Mlmcer Drophwul flown perfect $1500 Whit Rotary Ix inonwtrator $3300 fciimman-JH lunmmiiM'knimdj uminiiigniitM iwiiisiniHi-M': r'l'tatiMiiiiW iwinHi :04 nwurrr i it vms' ti Vila 'arf liirliiblc Klftrlctf 4 Hinder JJomoHilp 3' $4475 Xw Home Pnbt- notn ouk or I walnut $3500 f0 mmmmerii iwM'1 rr "iiiwi' i Bargains a 13 West Seventh St NEAR VINK ST SHOES WVU'T-KITYLB WORK S1IOE blank nr fan "$179 unann tart (brume or un 94 QQ Saturday uh OLyy GARU1SOX WORK Two full anles 109 per rent ImtlKT FI QC Now eviv 10-INCH HIGn-TOP Goodyear welt $ST3 (it OC A line aa $UOd BLANKETS 89c $295 COTTON BTaANKETH Doutde LM: single $4 DOUBLE COTTON ELAN various checks $3 WOOL Extra jg gg large else kt the tatert cliecka COMFORT New design AH price ranging from $483 fC Aa low re uw SIIEEP-LINED COATS Made of hearj mole-akin 38 Inches tong 4 pockets and belt A garment (hat will he a bear for the rougTiert wear All $1400 VALUE OUR SALE PRICE- $985 Hunters WE CARET A COAT BREECHES U1P HOOTS VESTS COMPLETE LINE OF HIGH-TOP ROOT LEATHER AND CANVAS LEGGINGS ETC 62 HAT MAUKKT Wvll't'ialilNied Imaliic hw rcHl: good idiance lor llic-wire: 02299 AIM'LK BUOKKHS 919 kleecanllle Library Bldg 1UI32: 11'Nl IIUOIIM IMi 7i Ki MUST HEM grur ry un 'cnnii Vf al nv fine liu-alion: will wcriltca fur nuh'k ale nn agrniai Innulre 02 Park at Newport HiuiiIi glliix Main-av 7 friil'l and drlU-iiw sen till I a rral munrymakvr all Nwernnj 73 ROOMING "IIOI'HK iTi t'fjrli well fiirnlsunl Irrma: rae Wrrt Mltta RETAIL HAKKIIV -small Cali Vuv! 11I3L fur liif'Uhiatlii(i mnary-liiak eri aunt aril Fur further lufurmMInn mm 4 Siwckcrr HhiM 39 519 Mlln-Sl Illltce 5lln rnhtan' iAi9 59ISX UooMING llol'KK Ihiwniown: 10 rm giniil paying always full Wdhn 2442T Rimming llnuie' rm giuxl Inc 22 I'lUe SMALL IIOTKIc-Write 9 Kt Cmirl at" SKUT YOUll IHiSlNKSsT AT AUCTION Tha meat effective way la flad a bent aafl you get ml rank get raauli that sab lafy No chirr for eeaaullallmt JOB HARRIS CO MAIN III 1994 FIIIHT XAT'L HANK RIDO COURT AIICTIOXEKRJI AND API'RAIRIRfl VARIETY worth 0 jjdi'k cheap reisJ8 WJLIlierij! 63 Loans on Chattels CjisIi for Ilftusokpf'pors IP TO $3M Quick and Prlvato 15 munlk to repay Only lawrnl lulervat IlAX WNMKTV Provident Rank Hltg toMiia 294 Out Seven Hi and Vine Sirens Open 9 In 5:39 Kalnnlay I to 1 Ucenaed by the Klale and Bunded te the Public 1)0 OUN KKDAi()NEY-" VVK SUPPLY Ylll'U WANTS In Ifamlliun Kcnmn and I'ampMI ronnllea at D'gal raia nt Inirrrat un liouarhold guoIi I'Ll nn furiiltiirw etc The Globe ypcurily Lonn Co (1r Krvenlli and Klmat Odd Fell ii Tvmplr Houm 111 Canal 3311 Loans Mimev on aulnmn-hlea: anv make or miKirl We nay uf imir ante and ro-ftnanr mnr car No red lane Uulck ileal lay a I raiao TIIK GENERAL FINANCE CO 3310 Hcadlna-rd Wiuilaim Mil-llTfl PI'K-VSCXIIATK AND KVKXIXGH LOANS UP TO On furnllura iilanua Immla ur any parson at legal rataa payable property inumlily paymnii stricily ciiufl'Ii'KTlal WELFARE LOAN CO I ll Keren III -it Canal 7499 LOANS "Af'LKGVL RATE TO OWNERS OF FURNITURE OH PIANOS TIIK CINCINNATI rOIjIATEUAl rxjAN oa 309 HHKXWOHII HlJIfl la Buslnesa MONEY TO LOAN la better to borrow 7mm a hank Talk to 1 a-- Wa Can Hrln Vihi THE CINCINNATI MORIIIK PLAN RANK 117 SIXTII KT 72 Farms tor Sale Farm Barpuinx Specials Buy Xow Save the Difference mm rich level niilng: excellent o-cnni hi'Urc rellir poultry Ihhwc tun coal slird 71 fruit tree acre herriret nn atatr pike irlcpliunc: mall electric at itvHw a real lmy fir 81988 $1099 down 1 a-ra: pud 3-rn-m lunar garaxe: 4 Imidtry lMitwes fruit water: gnnd village rtaie pike ho: lundy to work In Cl minus prtv $4-2( 8 92934 down 3 aero: good fi-r-jnm hnuae eJecfrlc turn fruit etc: mate pike bn nnd traction dn gmj Mae: 17 nillea Clneln- trail: price r-ini'fl part raali or wifi trade far country u-rv C1 B'-ro: level rolling gw-fl B-ronm Imuse cefiar: barn imuliry bouse ahundan'-p fruit well cinema spring rrcck flue Inlecn slftlfs fans 23300 $309 down balance easy twin 7 ncTcs: g-rt 4-coom hoiira cclHir IKitilfry licusc h'sh-nwr 49 fruU trees: well c'rii-rn: 1(19 reel lumber crops 890 fret Ohln ststo plk frontage $513(8 $1909 down ItaliiK'c easy 45 acre rich level rxcellmt T-ronm houir refiar chvfrlc large Inm poultry Irouscs outimfhllng orchard: well fenced: abundance fruit end water: 4 com 2 horses chickens: full fine firming toots I lOPu feet Mats pike frontage: 19 utltas Fountain-! i bargain for quick sale or will eniubler trade: mean 3 acres: Ohio River frontage: 25 aoraa bottom land O-room Troiate aummer kltchea 2 barns poultry li-ism: 3u fruit trees located on Atiarrtlc and Paelflc H'ghwsy 39 minute from C'lmcpn-ttl price $7599 wifi aril stuck crons tools: pwawatun FOB McLEAN avema nog and TOBACCO Corn Cattle Farms 191 arras rich lcrcl rolling S-room hoii cellar (oImim'i hara etc: stock cron toolc $0A: down or will trade fur kivtsinn-nl nr raaMmce 91 arm strung toliaeco land 5-room house rtitar bant etc: a gund farm at $9 per arre: ilvilO or more rash balance ear 12 arm level rolling some hill: good 8-room house cellar bam etr: 83 frut trees alitindani'c water: on slats pike feleidl'ne mall electric at duor: a real bfv: $2-198: 41090 down or will consider small liiialnra ur rn-iming house 70 arm good toll 7-n'iim ho stock cron tiHi1: owner wants store ur house IIUTSON Canal IM3 VILLAGE EDGE OIIUI FAHM $1621 81 ACRE: HOUKKK MACHINERY rr Immediate maory-nMking ope ratio as rich mineral and Tarmlng dtrirt 58 arrw crop land: several spring wire fences apple orchard pears iliirrlee peaeheo White 8-rwim house good eleraUon pleas Ing rle-v barn farm bkltm Your if you hurry atth splendid riving assured: only $1925 part eaab Details page J4 IHua catalog farm bargains In many states Free STItOUT FARM AGENCY 5ll-RH Unk Rank Bldg J'iKsliurgh Pa 7i DO" YOU' THiKBARGAIN' tf ro! aee It nulek: 7 arm level gently roll-Ing vxrelent land: bs-alrd on a flat -pike alwut 1 squares if tracUun ataUun store etc Ji mile acluml and around 29 miles from heart of Cincinnati: nice variety of fruit well cistern nice shady lawn: nice tS-ronm house newly (Minted parch around front and side: eincrct walk: fuel house poultry linuse barn and building are good include crops tools horse and 59 i-hlcsena only $3309 $1199 down gootl irrma ua hal GKOKNIDEK HetliclJ) h-ma 1881 FA II Ms" AND' COUNTRY Keo them now 44 arm gnnd level gently rolling land on pike: Dull water 4-room house good targe Inrn aud plenty of out-Milgs-1 Include hirne cow chicken criiji and tool: all for $39un $1908 down 28 A guoil level gently rolling land located on pike mile traction etore and aului il 79 fruit trees plenty of water 8-rnnm luiunc refiar poultry hmiae lutra etc: priced to aefi: $2750 $1088 down GKO SNIDER BETHEL () PHONE 18(11 WHY GO TO FLORIDA $1980000 worth of all fixed farina We are prepared to how ynu 29 nr mure nullable for chicken raiichm Our farms are all well located dear Ilm best markets We have 74 a 2 houses 2 large Iwrn une equipped fur dnlryr milk outbuilding fruit: 59 a bottom land near a large inwn The corn the farm will go 75 liu per sere (hit year $T5uu down Iluach Realty lie miles east lletliuL () Htate Huad 35 73 20 ACRE Fine Hiihlngr camp near cite and un state highway $1309 $509 down 8 a on I' Idcliway $1738 27 a crop tools Ntuck 53509 0 a good bldgs $1239 ty down ll a good bldg Colrraln-plkr $5'a9 80 a good bldg crop tiNrla Mock Morrow Ot $8990 Frank Crowe 31 Wiggins Block Cln 0 Main 772 -ACiUC TRUCK AND Nice level l-ind 1 to school near store state pike: gnnd 8-wom ho i barn out bldg some frull 3 a pasture 3 8 timothy mid clover: floe shade flowers na arena read 3 miles from llamlet 8259 $119 down hal monthly CIIAK A FRKK-MYERi HAMLKT tt Tri Batavia Exch 19 Rich anil ini' HeiiieI7b pk all under fence orchard nf all klnda of frill well watered: Including nt crop 2 hug 50 chicken 14 a tnbsreo 2 a corn 8-rm ho 2 porches else trie If wanted fuel lin pmdtry hn crib haru wanted Dirt tin pmdtry hn crib barn 19x32 1 $3508 $1819 cash $108 yearly yAlL IIETIIKL TEL 177 80 (inuiilTand Ala a vary gnnd house barn outhldgaT: gnnl srlinola eliurche and roads' Included wllh till faini all a'nck crop and Ionia: only $1200 If Intcreated wrlle Mrs 71 Fehr Mountain Crock Ala Route Tl VACANT LAND: $1009 $3U8 riiwn hnlance easy nn pike level rich anil 3 acres woodland all fenced worth more money BOPKINH ft BEELER 2nd Flfili-st Cincinnati 42 ACRE 7 onnia giiud barn garage fruit good soil: ncsr Khool traction hu $0509 part esalt HILL ft KAHLKY Bank BbVJUIfirdjJ) 2-ACHE" FARM Emilcncd near Newtons-v'C" and atats lilgliway $li08 0 sinii mnTP miniiiyi MAIMnERG Ncwtonavllls I'dl'LTIlY Iswhnm pullet taring: i hylrlcllr ChFllriinnr Morrow TP A CRKH -fljinniir hnuw 1090 H833 73 Real Estate Exchange iPit ilTTil ID II 1 1' Nil Ai0 vslleyl bnrgnln will take lot sa part payment Avon 8122 or 8510Y 1 PtfOI'KHf Tlly or miburban for vacant lota (lalkir Canal 129 and orowT: Wdbn elasr: for 50 Clothing for Sals 1 0 A T'firnwti-r I i lirererwdtaV Sli 'br OM Fnl-19V lUlll Xrnif XinumJ isaaL '0 I'R inrkri nnl rlulli' ni I'nr njmi llllillliMAUK MIT 4IK AIKX'M KriTA-JiM rnflfMi fnrmrr trlr laa n4 One tt IIHru' Ui111 llMin-i ri MfliVK HImThi mIm 3 Mlk ilmn'ma HMH iiiS'irTiKlii'i4t bl'lT-ffy anillHi will nr 1 1 nHnreL KnetaSWR fwo-l'IKCK riiinir bmnmr irlmml rnlmi I in Aw b'Mr T3 I'pnlr uf lirw idinM ilirwrni my rlirnii A4 31ml Typewriters tor Sale UKMTSliTV ApMi3iliiia I rhfip skit rnrim-if efwr 0 I'Hhh wni aiea niiffrj aiHMtAJKiXi 52 Musical Instrument We Will Trade YOim PIANO on 'LAYER PIANO Wll I a Radio Our Supply Limitrtl Act Now! The Starr Piano Company skvlkh rorp IMIONB MAIN 5414 27 AV Fourth St riiii'iunali SPECIALS liS-ote roll lituMii1 Iicnuli nnil delivery $2ir 88-Note 100 rolls music bench mid delivery $313 One Upright Pinno $60 Wm Ii (Irani Piano Co 1 19 Fifth St Seeoud Floor BEA'UTIFfL J7t-FUher piano mahogany ease: In flue condition a Oairgaln Phuiu Canal 23 Tenor: good as new $4 i will sell for $18 rash Geo Gross 1324 Malnit original nat Ask for $4 i will sell Geo Grow CLARINET 1 BdlaTjjtood BANJO' HKADd put on aapert repairing Hauck'a Music Kinre Vln-t near tllf ton-air l4nR -51 PLAYER Malmgany case bcnrti cabinet and K3 wfia of mulr orke J23 cost new $t0e 1330 Llnn-il West Mii IMA NO Upright' $757 Canal 1I31Y l'LAVKK High grade Mr Buyer see this before you buy down coat anything look Kara anma money: leaving elty Canal 10PUL by 2 Very Am imnnimeni will eacrt-lkc iPivlni fli)L Mahog ease: 10 roll "JJMle bench $113 eaah or term 119 rifth- second floor PLAVEll'i'lAXOR VlrtroUa and Dana ln-trumenta: highest uuallty at luwet prU GKO Jhd rLAY eTT? down 1 rl upright $39 coat new 1299 jl ll Pearl near Walnut -if down Pa SAXOPHONE Vary tins: ailvcr-plated witH gold bell a real beamy Including plush-fined rase: regular $145 value: will sell fnt only $35 cash Ask fur Ray at Geo IV 1324 Maln-at 5 saxophone 'zsgr STITfUlrrTra Uon at aacrltlee Phone Wert 3192 VIOLiN flood lone: coat IW: HI $14 rash Atk for Ray at Leo 1 LrnM 824 M'lin-at 25 53 Talking Machines niirlijafTv TKTf OlAf ft SUPPLIER! P0011jIAIXiKpAirim 939 MAIN V1CTKOLA Cnel new $119 $5 down 19 near Walnut ami 19 Hi 1 PPIIe Also $130 Iyrlcola $43 Buy of maker Stahl Green at 105 Race Radio 53a -RAPIO BARGAINS On four Are and clght-4u rad'w eeta tuned and aupariicterodmri $1 up Satlafactlon guurantrtd Write for Bargain Wat TOVANS Mi X7GHTH-8T CINCINNATI CAMBRIDGE RADIO SHOP RADIO SPECIALISTS Repaired Built WeCaH and DeHrer lansl Two-tube complete S0C4 Wln- JfHra HWI 4-ul aet kaMeSTwiltard aMrage battery tube and new Tuisrar charger: elmoat naw price $55 Aten 15R1R NEW ATWATEB-KFJNT LOUD Kl'EAtvER Bmaunahla Avon 3333 55 Sewing Mach for Sale OritTTiSKrorYrsTfown Talephona Wert 750 Ca'ed I months 5: will take $5 down EXTRA' special low price to cash Mycr for new or little used Klnger Hvgcr 1354 Hare 56 umiture for Sale sxRjiAisr Chllforobe oak or walnut 31990 Drawer nok or walnut 0 30 Wardrobe pak or walnut 01950 OTT0BI)B 1410 MAIN-HT 331 Vl George -t Fhit 203 BAituiivi4 icr BinulNG Kbnmona bed apritum and crib and felt mattress 4 Dayhed and felt mi llreaa $1350 OTTO BOHB 1410 5IA1N-KT POWEB "WAHHERB and rapalfa Maatcraun 1009 Culcraln-av Wet 020(L CHINA tJAlKEf'FOR'tf iladw-at il'ABY CABH $l'7'5: eft ha $303 and up 100 atylaa factory prices Open Wod and Rat eve Adrian Baby Cga 13 312 Clark CAll KG I HTK Xo7 4000 National Katin machine 1423 Vlne-et CHOICE HANO-I'ff'KKD 73b hu Penny gacikai one ndle mat of HHrerton euMiiitpmary-rd Byeamore7lT7 57 COAL HEATING KTUVE? $3: gaa range $1 gas ahnwer $3 gae dome Q3 Ks beater 13 935 Yurk-at DlVTXG- ROOM BURE Walnut In good I'nndlllnn 3351 Rradlng-rri Renaissance design 8 pieces DINING ROOM SUITE-Fine price for Saturday only $11950 BELLONBY FURNITURE CO 607 Main St DINING ROOM SUITE --LSIne-pIcco early Ktucllidi Rood C'OtHtlon no diwlcm Aron 817 2997 Uhnnkiea Aida Apt 8 fare like new wllh mel- tria price 335 3211 Vlne-et -5d itaPiKf'K DINING ROOM KUITB Bed and dreaor cheap West 14H3U 50 KTOVK-llke new $51 818 Uouroy-at rWeet4938L ENTIRE rURNIKIIIXGH OF HEAUtiFUL AVONDALE IIGMB AT A BIG KACKI-FICK nntNITTIIK IIKED ONLY A KHOIlT TMK WILL KAURI PICK FOR IMMRDIATR KAIK AND RR9IOVAL MAIN 5928 AND ASK FOR MR RTANLRY 18-FOOT ilA Ll RUNNER "Iron bed saol-tary couch gcod cnndKlon WiBm 338911 KiiYH Til trTW A HII R-Utisfl pT(lV8 1 MX FINK'ilring room set aiid else fan bwced to sell leaving cHy Apply Mr 8 Mcy-rs 599 Ktcwsrt-pl AVnndalr FU KN I Tl I Almost new) Lc aala lo iri vat parties UalLNora'onil 277X 3d FOR II AHGAINH IN RUGS ASII FURNI-TIHK OHIO hALVAGX CO 83 PEA l(L rb I lAIUIK'ronm'Lllniitauni Mill "$5 iingnienni ling 509 York' Newport Hnillli 8211 cmriltlon efiesp 901? Ha(liKal9-9V WkJfl lit 81111a (jAlf TA ItLK Very eeasonitftc! HitprlHon 373Mi 1 O-rtWat lirwi4 iiMflin4iir SJ walnut kiiwm: i mui- i rnrnliMi nr unrurniahrd WAI IIIIIH hi jwei-v i 3 r'Hiiin: jln(liliM( and HD fur 540 Will 32 uX II -HI' Lu-iM'iui I nr aularlutn maid' andi(raa rremi g-ifit II-4' Doveri-rau Hull alT on-vanlepce Willn DUX 33 WRMTKHX AMI lll'fMKUT-" Wlmi s' 3-lium tlal Him nr srcuml II 'X Wi IIIIM Hluton-avT 0 rni mini Ilnl I K-nl rond Willirn WALNUT IIiPlH-H ror Knurer-lan ml M'lllllnu modern l-ewm and S-ruoia iriunir I'linnn jlviin Mil 01 WALNUT IIILLM-Mod i 4fm Wdinu I'JSJ WKHTWmjli-aw Hrnukr-n-rJ! 4-rnt Hntj hkhIhhi ftinmnlenefn lUrrbma UlIKX WALM'T llll'l4- i l-rm fiMlj rcmvi'iii' urr nliilw 048 with limi 36 Furnished Houses The Kemper Lane A1W11TMHNT HOTEL lmurliHmly luinlnliml en iwn nnd llirr-i-nHn himi imrnin ilm iwn nnd llirrmrinim pirtniniin linve fully mIiibhI hiliitifiwM CIIMI'LETK IIOTRIi hkhvick lnin Mrlllllnn HI $'m Xiir'd i nun liknK- N'r KSSnii AVOMIALR-Ur4 mum klu-lirnnu irlr bnlli In-n-iimir bvd nirnm linnl niMplm fur hbHMdirapliiX Sed Hir4W atl UiVIXCTOX-lll pirih-nt: 8 pMinias nuKlnrn: I will hui wntcr brut: prl fnm rrkXINIIKIi MAT-5 Mown nl MW Hill- Mm Mnlliim owner k'1" 1-13(1 nruly fimilnlifd nt Lllwriy 1 Hyiunnm: Il-i: nnd nta mi'lniilV 'owner 'wniiii S-fn'wlly Imuw 'nmidirll WlKllM Ulork Cln tiih TTS mtmm KT I'iirn 4rm Iiunir mnirm H'lUlh 5Wk 'IYIIK 1'AHK kSdaHluninielB mm row plrtly fumlnhrd unfurnlebol i imwH- hMfMlun tr rlKlil ptuple: rliy iSih Kief M'f AI'BI'KX IPS'- Mi-MIMnn: flHJJ nmniki brut lecirlr prlvnlv Iwin 1XK a-IIOIfM VIAT -f Hiiplelely furnl-hrd wlh nn mblti: mijI ln-i-d nit naklm In rmllly 4 ril prirui tie trie iHfn 4ei! an-l oil water 11 'nwnMwn dleirM Apply 1SSK Ka-l l-i'ur? 777 4-riHiii furnlahinl flat: modern nil NiitwihhI S4KHIk KIISlSVfLtK "Tiiriit Foma: modernj lane Inwnn AVuraw 4ri4Y VINK-PT I'' nati prlr bath Iloht and hrat Am KM! WALM'T tillbnrt i modern an room fnrtrteltcl apartment Wdlm 3303H 36a Flat Furn tor Sals Hal 44 uiivly fuP nlahrd ro-jnia all mama faring street bath hrat rhxrhripforrH DINING BOOM firing room two bedroom sidtm rugs and floor lampi must aril Hmnedlatrly aoeuiint bungalow soldi must raewte Aron 4931B 1 a I'LAT Niiwly fun' billed steam hrat: priced to sell 035 Walnut-at Flat No WAlXI'T 2913 GlfheM-ar awJ 2-rm (uroUls-d afaitamit Wdhn 3du2R WaEnut BKDRiriui SET coal range lr" lad Aron 2371V Wki 37 houses tor Rent O-RURM UOl'KK W'T rLldeDaf lr We 2IiY 3-rm aJmibunguiow hilwxL lira tile bath garage large lot Har 11Y 0-room house with large finished at tic and one exrna room In attic lowly 413 CoimbLnr-ar Price It HI yard 0 roiwwa heat Aron J990X 11A YTON'7 4 rooms kltchea and bath furnace Canal 144 iMtiliiM ilmTXu gar 1 or 2 family 3440 IIIglilandWdbn 4U07X FIXDLAY-KT 9-room house: all enh-renlrnlea $40 Aron 53K6 Canal ie3K FT' 19 Kouflirtewf 3 rma ru jthtollrtj cellar yard H1L109KL KKXXEIiY" 7-rm brick scnilbungTow 84l Kemwtle-ar A 715 nr Xor 434BY LEXI-NGTONfl 1 rm-: mod Aron 7947T MeMILLAX Id' 3 light comfortable bath: clrefrlc $4 3T all MT 7-room bungalow modern convenience lh Harrixan 133 4103 Fergua-at el room and bath 9ark 3903U Five rooma second floor: bath elec: whHe only Aron 3933R 2570 LhieH-M 8 targe room: attic cellir taraanL rraeaStAI wrsea UIM mam ifoitTH COLLEGE' 3-room acrnlliUB-gahiw every modern conrenknce rent with garage $30 without garage $43 A Spcllmlre 501 Traction Bl-lg Main 138d rooms bath and toTlet 1-ear ganga price 55 Wdbn 0035 iT 1'Rirx BIM--d-rbom aemlhungalow: newly decorated $70 J'hone Weniaw 3305X rniCE ILL 0 -room houac modern haThT hot water electric $49 Apply 944 Falrbanka-ar 5T RICK-KT 4-r 302R 8ILVEHTON New S'lw-na liouee all mo-l- ern Xorwood 42PTT 37 rTL EUTO tialh George Herts Norwood 2721 3T 7-ROOM HOUSE Large a'4lc War 5501 413 Consldlne-ar Price Hill SOUTH Large 8-room hnnae: fine ettlci ccr lot: $73 monthNor272fl SOUTH Two -4-room flats garage Nor 8817X 13TH AND READING RD G-ropm bungalow every modern convenience: IJjJ per month Apply geaollne rtatkn o'-roiun modern house garage: 19 per month CHEVIOT 7-mom modem frame house: double garage: lot lOg2S9 month MEYERFELD ft KI'EHIMAX REALTY Harrison 99 WKKTWOOD 0 rm mod: laundry new shade fruit treca thruout garden 329 Brnatlwell tSi 38 Wanted Flats Houses vicinity of Pleasant Ridge Xor 4340L 40 rENTRATe-AV Prlr garage Wt3707B DAYTON-KT 1121 garage $75 Aron 20 For rent CalICenl 389 GARAGE "KPAl'B 3073 feet: 893 Inquire 32 I Llhcrty-t Canal 14Y 40 199 East 1392X WAI illlXS-Garage with nlhed room 8339 Vehnh Wdhn 4-i53 41 Moving and Storage XlTBHOLtTtEvTne mnrlngjj jrrr limd LACK AMERICA A'lii'o llorera piano hoisting 83 a large load PATRICK Wert 334 liandleu cn vkutsscK Canal ') "A load for moving died v-j Call KEKTUEB Canal CAREFUL truck EXPERT" $3 a load piano mor-Ing packing and shipping local dlrtancc West 12T3 0Bernhardftt MAN WIT iri'O RD Wifi hire out contract preferred UallPK'lf 130L MOVK AN $5 lge truck 1133 MOVKANYWHKltETilgctruck -Local'aml' Ping-dlsUncomOTlng: plannmorlng ArmanUCowet lese Load of fumltTaw' lo Cleveland i chcan 1'lwme Warsaw 3TilY 42 Storee for Rent RACK-KT- Large good locaijon AHMOICi'-AV ITs' Wnre also fire rooma and garage If desired BEKf KTORdClHHnf In' Findlay Market tec-rit'iey AMI17123 RiK-e-wt CENTBViU 1 fHire Kx3L CflTTER-BT lirge store $30 8 BrcOR'FlndJay "and'Cemfal' targe etore extra jwim $10 clcclrfc 311 OAKLEY -3 ifis Jladlenn-cd In" main biH- nena dlrtrlet Avon 7470 PHint 3304 Woraaw-ev large litoroi good locetlon IVeraaw B834Y 42 RliilTK FIXfliREH 'AXii KIIOWCAREH-Kre tie Iwfore you liny The Eureka Kpe-elalty Cn Etore Fixture Plant 213 Kare-al Main 7jH rrn KTGUE and 410 Main nr Gh Canal 7358 KTUKUC AND "OFFICE FIXTURES New and used Term HAH PlkLIXHKY 31 PEVRL-8T MTDIIK formerly barber lup fhn ly on In a IhlcWy tuipulMed nalgliborhmid In nulre at Dudley's ehoe etore 003 Vn trrt-sr 8TlllViPGiiltalile for Imriirr rimp or iny other Inmlnena 1204 Froenmn-av: also Points willed VIXE-HT 1430-Klore In good Aron 1103X VlNK AXfi lOB gfifi Y-vonncai enreer ton i rentMl Call A Bln Rralty "XnTT-IOi location 3 fa Canal 23 Ktorerooin VixdS! 44 OfRcee Desk Room Rent $M-4oonA1L DLIHA Ninth and Central frort office 13130 feet t'aiml SOttlL KLM ST 1523 -Xlccly fiirniatmi office: gas and won (Vft floor front: very reason-aide Canal 5411 EMTAHLISITKD 1)'r'Xtl6N-lid'ii'llror doctor 437 cl*trk-aL West 1373Y 4S Factory Space for 7eni LIGfi'f-'rtEA'v'' TOP sprinklers heat elrvalnr acrvlce New-nian 4 1 Elm-aL Main 0300 47 Miscellaneous for Rent lAiige''H A lL -Woat-ontl" ni(TT" liall park i Include drawing rimia kltclieii and janl-tnr imartera f'lHiray Vnnran ft MaHck fri'ii I 51 at st 5 LBERT 440 MAIN STREET A THE POPULAR PRICE II STORE NEAR FIFTH ST -hbiaiii: tnOittli iiiiti! "'ii tfisr1 -t i 20x20 $157001 18x30 BREECHES KHAKI wall made nr full cut GENUINE ARMY Jteln-hwved knee a nrtl $295 We abut carry a Dill line of WHIPCORD MOLESKIN and CIIK MOLESKIN and CIIK SWEATERS SPORT KNIT (( iff In heather rotors I iTu 8 PORT In gray and fl fir heathen wool Vi JO WKX'H KPDRT WORSTED O' SWEATERS Nrweat rliatlm 9400 SHAKER KNIT In browns mays tf bluta and whites Ci OF and at VTOiJ up KNIT TIES Value up to $190 FOR -v 0 KpeetaJ 43c $155 HEAVY JURBKD BOIRT UR Extra guild qua! 85c St UNION Heavy ribbed full rut well made Buy your need now VliO $3 UNION Extra hoary ribbed for the outdoor man Will wear VlyO 440 MAIN STREET 58 Wanted to Buy ii' UM'Wattl Hihl lIM m'ttUd I ') SMALL FIRBPROOK fl Must be In Rood condition I 'innl 7072 Mr Bell 5 1 i iiwawn- i-k sut" GET THK MOST loi your hotuehold rage and stares prompt nurntlun Tou will be henefltuT Canal 1148R soda -i HIGH PUIUKS PAID FOR FU'HXITURE Maln 5271 --1 HIGHEST PRICES paid for used furniture! etnvea and carpel Heltzer West 2193J 69 Machinery and Tools TOR OUIUK rboller 72x18 return tubular Ineatrd at Ilendenon Ky at tha old Peerless Distillery plant Cash offers accepted for the removal from the premises before Oct 23 and purchased as Is un the premises Hollers have been Inspected recently and we hold a good report on same Report can he seen by applying to John Gregory Hlhhardsrllle Routt Thonr 711 Henderson Ky The lowest or highest Icn-rnotneccwuirlIy ccitcd Must lie aold GASOLINE Six' horsepower 5D 74th-rt Carthage Valley 29L 59 HOT-iVAfUR and ateam radiators and cast limn holler The FLYNN CO 412 Kcrnnd 507 JLACH'iNERY liouglit sold and nchanged terms tn suit CINCINNATI MACHINERY ft RITPLY CO 218 Pearl-st Main 8398 60 COON skunt opowimTHounda trial 'shown Jorenz (Vleralnik Mt Airy 1439L bid farm: cheap" Ei' Mill MORKK HIANKKTK We hare a small lot lcfl- lht we will close nut at 20 discount Bock 1152 Freeman THREE 2 teams and 1 horse chup Apply American Ire Cream Cn 589 Plxtli-at West 777-778 61a Dogs Birds Pets fawn was 1 year old Kept sold for no fault no room to keep aame make me an offer 3ladiMmriUe 501R gj KSGLiKII BULL blue rlbNm winning stock 4 to 12 tnotttlia rd- Woodlnim 6092X GENi'iNK Gentian plncher clilklrm1 pet: Aral reaa offer a crept ed 2303 llne-st LARGEST OF RtRI) We for prl'ri "nd selMti ana BTAMOW BIRD CO 91! Vlne-aL POLICE DOG-Mnie ymr old r'lnlelll grnl will sell cheap Komjii0K LAD BIT IIOUNi)H -Malu 4 beagle pup! (all South 387(1 WHITE UOLLIK--Male pupa: licaullc $10 ll--: sire fia-terrlari $3 aside rol-llca 81 and $1 singing cannrtea $810 ainnren fna 3 a nd 15 109 Elm at 8 la 62 Business Opportunities AFTERNOON and Kundny TtrwipiHier route rite ip 1332 Ere man 3 roar after 8 BAKERY SHOP' FOR 118 Dixie Highway HrlangerKy es A PERM AXBXT "BUKI- I lie start the quicker the bualnnta ('unto and arc me and start Ut wnrk Monday 591 Bell Block CAN KKIL 'your 'business raali buyers waiting Call HARTMAN MTKINKKH BHOKE1IH 492 ITnvIdent Hank Whig Canal 7239 CONFECTIONERY' "dry atihtirli gnnd chance fnr man and wife bargain I1E1TE 208 Plfth-at Maln (1357 COXFECTIONERY "FOR HALE Will mdl clicaji lcrlngclly Avon 7850R 92 ((INF "CROC REST! We Iihvc largest fiat at lowest prlrra In the city nUKINKKH KXC1IANGR Canal 313 DRL'IC ATEKKEN and gnuwry good" toca" must aeli owner III 3122 Hradlng-rd Well stocked gimd trade re-celpi $110 per Keck bargain at $2230 Cnttal 41-19 82 GOOD" OPPORTUNITY fur varliiii kliula nf hualnnaa In gr-iwng aiibnrh alnre shop denial office and flat fnr rent llcerli- mont TI39X flcr9 in GROCERY FOR i2M Wjmil-al Lump nr Divider 59! YOUlf PLACE WITH No Italliifi fee ii? lioU filonk Vms4 32ilfl IWIIllI ITOi I 7 7 PRICK IIILL-! nice room all flttod for beauty jiarlor Wsnaw-iv Furniture for Sale LINOLEUM Ar KIRK ROOM Huy from our floor covering factory our own make 9x12 llooin $388 12x12 Room $485 12x15 Iloom $580 12x18 Room $652 15x15 Room $695 These floor rorerlnge are In beautiful blue and white Diilcli tile pauerna: also In blue and laune carpet patterns: are aultame fur bedroma kitchen and dining room None sold fu dealers 1333 Linn St G344 Axminstcr Rugs $15 Everythins Brand New One beautiful oriental dark biua patten mm aid rose imall Peralta pattern use tan with rich dark Imriiar 115 pacta NEW $5 Several targe rooms new linoleum tue and while patterns: alee erne dark tea pattern 85 eeck CONGOLEUM RUG9 $4 Two beautiful 9x11 fringed Royal WU-Iona wu 1313 velvet ruga Aujheae guods are brsad-cew: me otfev At 1333 Linn St Take Ciart-at ear West 8341 707 Central Avtf axminkter velvet rugs ill nd up 912 Caugoleum $475: Linoleum yard: Window Hhadca 59e Also iiuallty Wilton Velvets high-pile Ax-mlnaler Body Bruaaela Inlaid Hearth Ruga hall runners all alien cheap -SKI BEDROOM SUITE 4-piece French walnut price for Saturday only $13950 BELLONBY furniture CO 607 Main St Il GAS With glass door 411 Bank GAB RANGE 8cnal healrr $3 gas heat- 02 1421 Itavinlller-al '-mKx'KR gar ktov Good condition cheap Mt Auburn 1913 Young-st flXglAXGE and hnwchuld furniture big bargain Aran 4MI GAK 2034 Madlion-rd --30 HIGHEST rHICEK PAID FOB Pianos Household Furniture and rarpets of all kinds LOUIS KARP ft CO ftl Central-ar Canal 4100 fl'EAtTxli KfOYE Alr-tlght Avon 51T2V Like new Call at in Calluiun-rt iTTTCHKX SAFK and 10-root a4le also coffee urn 420 Arrti-et Hale 1391 ffiBi ii LIVING ROOM Fine jacquard upholstering $225 vniiit Mitiirii-iy oiilv BELLONBY FURNITURE CO 607 Main St LIVING BOOM SET Threa-plcra oreratuffed In plain taupe mohair trimmed In black moss edging with lllk damask reversible cushions $300 value for 833759 EDWARD SPONIIAUER 1387 Harrison Ave LEAVING Will aarriltre 5 rooms of flue furniture emulating of American walnut dining room suite beautiful French walnut bedroom aulle ororatuffed tiring room suite converts Into bed: gaa range white kitchen ralilnet 8 rum breakfast art pair 4-poater mahogany twin bed gas heater library table end tables combination coal spa gas range (Miller mako) Will MCa FURNITURE CO 6 61 AX LARGE BOOM 01 MNOLEUM MINSTER HUO 911 253 P1KR-ST rOVIXGTON KY LtVlNG'SmiM i-ideca fumed oak will seH rbeop also baby buggy and' bed good comlllloii 101 Ylue-et MILLER foal" range Retele gaa iitove gmid condition 8323 Stratford ('ll ftnn Ilgle NEW-RUGS AND LIXOLKUyW CFIBAf! 40J 9 HA I LTON-AV (TIMM I VS 1UR ONE 8-pc llyliig suite one 4-pc bedna a ione''iiV 'nn suite one gaa range klttmen cabinet 8 rug will ell cheep 335 ll4n-t r01 OAK BEDROOM 3-pleco 8313 Hannctt-rd PH 4783 POPCORN and peanut imeh AntcIaM condition: rrry ctwaii If add at once Inn-confertlpnray 9t4i snd Bankllck tior 413 pTano ililo Gnu gomt" rond brjpdn Wdbn 9813 or Went 8079B REFRItrRRATilK -Sdonr alde-trer $lOo OTTO BOIIK I41H MA1X-KT RUGS AMI LINOLEUM Axmlnater rua $1473 Congoleum rm $5 linoleum 3ita per yard: lac curtain --c ui'f irow nce-e( Ruo-wii ship lamju! Bust SELLING OUT New real healer $7 hnl-Mast coal heater 111 1434 Haymlller-rt k'-PfECX living room wiltc lacquered rnlimr: fhean Nnrwnod 5741 fAHLE'RAMiX $1 1 gaa hs9tIi TALKING' MAC'll INK i'lieney rouauie atyla almost new one-thln frlce Also a refrigerator iMicne Avjin 7819 flpiKUK HKII IIAVBN POIIT Over- atuffed In Jacquard velmia: $133 TIIK PEOPLE'S FURNITURE CO 39 Central-ar WASHING MACHINE Go wham you ran grt what you want I sell practically all kinds Get my pries and terms on tha ons ynu want Prices 18158 up Free demonstration Dsllaa Mathews 2188 nilhcrf-9V Wnndlium 989 Wo Have the Jjargeat Assortment of Beds in Cincinnati Simmon lied spring and mattress $1850 no-pound Terminal Bedding Company 18 Third -t Ncsr Race WAtER 8'OW WASItKR-7targWta7BML Id ke new" Call 1811 Uarll-ot North Futrimuint 57 Miscellaneous for Sale Preo Droplieod Odrawor $1000 lXivla I)rotlicad j' like new $3000 'm 1 1 'i tur -iva srr 35 Flats Apts for Rent Mariemon hi 2 The New Town "Press the Dutton 1 to 5 Rooms $25 to $70 Three rooma bath: hnrdwond floors atoel eaab iraa range refrigerator kitchen cabinet window shades screen complete decoration and an open $4050 See Inalde cover of your Telephone Directory Agents Always on the Grounds The Mariemont Company Maclvillc 1300 Main 2394 1 Baker Court 4 -room flat Norwood 1995 Sherman-ar 22 MODERN APT IN MOST llKAlTTIFl'L AVONDALH I TO THE MINI'TK IN EVERY KESPETT BY APPOINT5IENT ONLY MAIN 7711 MOVINfl? For good monng aernre at rea-aonabla ram consult CDmlflcation 41 and Storage" Ton Want Ada MT 1800 Hljglil and l-rm flatT MT 1910 Walker 3 nice con nectlng rma gas water dee adu'ta Aron 32P3Y I 95 Wllllanj 4 (Adorn rnu7 Nw4-rm flat Park 4R9L 4 ruom modern flat blo-k fmm car Km Park S091Y 4113 Jerome-rt 3-room flat modern NORWOOD cor Darcy and Kdwanla-rd: 4 rooms garage open 2 lu4 35 3311 Iyalr-Xiie iwuna hardwoed fliora heat and water '3770 3533 Norwood -ar four rooma first floor garage 835 5 rvoma $39 4 roome $1' $1730 CHAR A MAl'ER 4031 Maln-ar Phone bath heat rir Two noma line: suitable for hue women Kart 8381 Nrw Rt Louis 4 room's? hardwood floors tile bath rrerytlilng separate Roufh 34n3R for epimln'ment 330 IT Flftlut rmimi all minr-n Smith OS74N 3 4-coomHt- 'laiula flat Kridly modrrn 133 Ifllh-at South 1893 cor Third anil Monmouth S-room flata 830 Cleneay Nourae llallck Main 9190 NINTHXT 783 W-Four-Voom flat first floor fur white only Wiraaw 31o3X 4138 Longiand 3 mod rma Now 4-room" St Loillsflat: a(rlrtlymodern Kouth 8343Y 41137 ftllniore-av 4-rooin flat -3433 Brotlierton-rd fniir rooms prlvato hath modern Norwood 4931 IvIXK-RT'l037 rma first flr conr $33 2d Hr conr $23 Wert S200 05 Woodlawn-ar "V'of 7rin" ninrirrnflat reasonahlr Warsaw 33G3X Hlosa Kr4ni-ar fljminu mod ern I'KICB cxcelieiit" lure tlnn Warsaw 38U8 35 I'iUCE Two to Are rooiita 751 Cbaieauar llerrlsnnSll(IR 35 PBU'K HILL 3 rooms completely modern Warsaw 4057 4399 Xt Xrglilli-Kt: low-r Kt Louis 5 rm kltrhennt hwd lira: with garage: heat: 083 Wdhn 17X PRDTE Hrir i "5-rm mod flat will: garage hardwood flr tils hath Office 390 Rex Aron 591SX modern flat buffet kitchen CII Wiiraw4333R PRICE lftiLT -4-nvrm' flal Indlrldifiil modern ponrm'Miet 493 EnrglitJr 33 PRICE Nlea light 3-rmm flat "and attic ha Mi laundry uer'inil floor: separate front enfrineo garage heat Call at 015 Trenton-sr RR i9Glenwiiy PRiTE 1721 Mhif-njiVyiicw flat and garagfWraaw4dii7iL 3l I Llbertv 3 room and hath heat furnlhrd jnodcra PI1I9VK f'fnaidine-avV'four room with aolarlum: pangr yaraaw4RT4L PKir'E'if MI' Hl4X Kliiiilhrti mom: miKlcm bulU-ln cal lire Warnaw 440Y 3811 Wsriisw I'lliUE HIM-" 31 i' llojm Apt7 porKIlith and Ml Hope 3 rma flrrt flnnr hrat bnfii clecfrln lauudry KCOTT-lrfr £0 1 lrmrilat and sun parlor KYCAMOKE-HT" Blit -Tlgee apt! KIXTH-KT IM4 Eraiw i' ihrcn chcorfui rnom Call Canal 3471 St' BERNARD -5-rni" Kt' LTairictly 433 fircenlcy Ar riV)L Valley 1T94X KVEXTII -3 jVVfT fj jrmun rbhVrSi rouinT: modern 431 Annlv Eulger 35 s'rivrFon coleraTn-Fike and north Tltrec-na flat: all mod ronv Can be aeon Wntuntay Olid Hiimlay 14 Ctay-at: mmlorn'fhree-ronm flat hath and lmtjadulta jircf 3 10" Colored 8 (wthlmt waleti rlec ref CanaL1'1' Western and' Klierman 1133 War STO'IL M'Hlcrn: largii mrch Rarage optional 1321 liladHlonc-v Main JIM58 Wa'LXL'T' iTn'iH-283i' Uonitird-at i of 8 nwnw second floor: mod hast Cell evening after 4 wrtf-JPwm apiTIteal end Janitor ecrv! Ice all mnilnm Call Avon 4035 iVALXilT III Naita u-itv: moitorn! biuulnj at U24 Nmmu Avon 3K9X Walnut flat acennd flnnr 5 monia: Trout pnrcbi iosltabAKUkukftULJlUlamJUmSiiifil 35 Flats Apia for Rent and anurliini i nenl fanal Hn Xof 1KT in I "a lta-pl fl rnn Braiflr yaa fur rlrrhwU jfra yard adul'j i-iO--Fil't'K 1KM Ovrhmk-B I fla-room laMilBl'nitnIern all hardwood flKira linoleum nnd nan I tan In kltrhen aduluandno anlmalaWmaw MMH -lH "rma bal par Warnaw JL Jiit KK4J OfnrifW-a K-rm dupttxjill pout Woodlwirn 5133 XOBWOOll-lsil Carthanc-ar mod flva raoma nnd mald'a room Not IliH i Axi "wnii'So 1 -mom apta on MrMIIInn: Riiiana Apia I ah ctluf tn rn'MffB Woodhira 4151 AVOXnALK Fureal-BT braull- ful 3-niom uiiNf flat In aiitodld brii-k houaa: larae frmt iHirrh ahwr bath lam well-anulpned baaement for laumlrv: yird mlaed feel a bore nfrerl: raraee Open all dm time for hianwluni Inuuirr jbiwnatara dmnnlara -ttm 3474 l)iuiy-a Dm roonu bent Mrn Innitor Canal 83 A VOX II ALE 1114 Banrey 5-room fit nolarium tila bath: garafe Aeon III mod heat Avon 1MX 7U Bltfaieway-af modern 5 riMuna aeroad floor: 8 extra rooma thlni ifnor rarace Tha Touith Central Truat Jlaln 4K UTtuBABLfl 4-roMa effWleivy erery bulU-4a feature: near l'aeblta Cor erery Call ttoulh -rm mud-ern flat on td floor Atun K3P IK tin Marroy-ee 4-rm flat on 3d floor: 55 1 to reliable party to take eare of funmcojind Jawa Cpr- lilland and riedmtint a rmwivui i -w run bath heat porch Janitor Perrier nart-av noar Ftueat: upper flt Iula 5 rooma bath lane fwrrh: orerythlns separate mald'a room and bath third floor reasonable Cleneay Nourae M-illrh Main 81P0 tvlndliam 5-room mod- ern apartment: heat Aron 835411 AV'DALK 314 t'arprn 5 tm and inod VI17 eve Aeon BUST AVOXDALE-S jwinie fhKir modHrnj 4 I Call Aron K-Ti larecej K7K Canal B5 or 5-room flat with heat BAYM'fLLEll 4-rm flat: prlt bath all conr Apply Janbir 9B8 Baymlller ROADWAY and 5-room lUta BKLLKVL'E Three rooma modern adults Kouth J0Y -5 ClI yf ON-HEIti 94 -YY three rooma modern MoM'iijn-at fOVIXfclilX' your rooma end aolarlum with Murphy In-a-door new and mrirtly flnit-rlnaa ianltor merrier Buthlyw VulbUim 15th and Oraenup Corlngtoa So CrfYliS Kndlrr of 4 rooma lrtrle: liudde tolleta: month per mom ill TuftrR rooma ell ranrenb-neea CORNER MINOT AND FIve-rnom apartment whh toom on third floor Norwood 19414a 55 CLirfOX HEICHTS 4 rooma: eonrenl- iw 1 ninnnf ixnai CLIPTOX ohlo-av 4-rm flat modrra: aeeond Uoor: iKtrrh all hardwood floorajjaraw jrallahle $j0 Clirrox Riddla-td 50S 4 Of 5 ran mad newly dee nearU andJluhaH! York: twoj-room flete Creenup T-rm: etrlet-ly mod: betkoome porrhea and lawn Owner SS5 Delmer-Jil CorlnKton S44Y SM GaiTaTdT-5-rm newly dec- (mint be seen tribe eppree 3d 11 ref Tt XT KAlr A lan 4 mod rm tsil Oakland: imalern 4-rm Loula flat: $40 rnrnetnnjlM tail Broadway 4 law llflit rooma electric bath 3j liANDKIDIJK-BT 8 rooma ibatlielec IVAYTON three-room mod-era flat ateam heat hot water fumUhrl South 5113Y XAHT-RND rmas mod: heat and hot water furn 439 Mtanlay-ar 3 S1S1 I -room modem flj Terk 1740 SSbTWA1NI'T rraydon-ar 8 room wltn alroro: Baraga optlonaj adulta Wclhn 4117Yl dliilooH PLAT him' water aa Wee 7 8-mom flat Wh water gaa eeo $1 WM IIUTSON ftenond Natlonwl Bank Canal 1118 TAifiMOUNT-AVr 1719 -4-rm flat i all con rmlmcri with or without garaff 35 4-looMMOIKBN 420 Tuaculum-av After pm JJaat 693Y TETuriOM atrletly modem apartment janitor aenrlee and heat furnished: kitchen -contains refrlxerabir (dote and built-ln features rent reasonable Call rnont-at 3d fir Avon I USSY 53' Four rooms heat and janitor ervice 50 second floor 3d floor $45 Apply janitor 960 35 Morrig-pl ITyUE 148 DeJta-ar lower apartment 5 rooms atorage and garage rholre location tn cars and school 33 BprlngfliiM-pl'kai fotir-fmia Art modem Valley 5Mt VaHey 5T9U 3j 5434 Wlawell-ar 4 rooma 2d 'floor: all mnr: garage Valley 937R 1C Modern upper 5-room and maids: garlgf 70 175IX MtDB 3931 Shaw four-room flat mod hrat atoraga: garage adulta KVD 5 rma and garaga 3814 Mlehlgan-ar Hi blorks from arhcols and churches large raid just newly decorated 590 asttllTj -33 -HARRIRON-AV 8-room apt heat: all eonvenlenea HYilit 43 Marburg i inwleni Hwro- ronai flat and gatage 83 J75ll X-8T 3 large light roouia 3(1 floor reasonable Wast 1991 ftTtSNEDY 48T KenneilyTf Kf Loula Aron T9 1 5 nt Nor 4540V fABKKTY li'9 Clay 3 front rma i dm tollrt $33: 3 rma wlih modern 130 Tuke ft Kuna 13 'Tourt-rt Canal frvfVfiH'QON 4-rm 3 Hr A von4 TifXN rma of white West8uX 1935 Aiilmrn-ar 4 rma modern nno-famlly adult: 135 35 4-room modern flat w(h garage RIOT Glenahade 33 Hf-AUfiURN-SlT ffmrrralty: four largp moms flmt floor modern TOT Daltaar lira-mom flat: Tuuh and peiwy with prlr porch on aecemi floor: two extra hedrooma with all mar entente mi llilnl floor MfrAUJrtrtN Klneey-ar i I room nolariiim bnth hot walrr furnace: adult Aroaisix Sti JtjlKIRN iCTrwrFpi IlAI Rv rery 4arg alewm-hoalcd roomwl janftw ncrrlc! month Tlie JFourUt and Central jjadfot Main 40M IB ifePnHTH kocWm four large fSfit etc nv boated room liantmood "i BRICK Good whole cleaned brick low price now for Immediate delivery In city or suburb Deliveries by truck or railroad 109-40 Kenner Kt West 151 WIIY PAY MORE THAN $20 water fiirntalird at tha tura the faucet wJth our ni-ulete Save Jlnt-Watcr Hcaier rnm-blnathm $2 Pine Included Pluinhera furnlalied Everything In nlumldng Hants rooflii attd electric suwiitoa SAVE SUPPLY CO 30 THIRD-1T-XEABRAUE Hot Water lc a Day Marvelous Invention I 1''' hot water at tha turn of the faucet night and day: uaa fj automatic complete: $25 Outflt pays for lue'f In saving of gaa Bee one In operation at oui show-roonu any day this week numb era furnished KINO 17c 1024 CENTRAL AVE WC HAKE ALL KINDS ROOFINGPIPEemy FITTINGS PAY 2 PRICES nouaa Paint $185 to 8218 gal roof paint 75e to $135 gallon varnish $318 gal enamel $39 gal Brushes FREE with paint orders PRICES VTvrr-ifQ 107 Third IjNu 71 Sear Kane CORN' Rat-prwilj nxfol Wood 4Utiply Rmadwny cXtHI REGIBTERK-Wo rtfi buy rent rx-clmnga amt repair all makrn anil style Uh KcgbdrrKlch 29 Pearl M83 'RtUTtop iwwwrlter dutible flat and standing IVwl FREE DIRT on pramlaew owner Coronado anti Fula Price MIL 57 FOIl-llARGAVXK' JN USED It ft Auto Un dUfi Jlaie-at TUi ELEC RnnwER" 5'8 wired: eom-plete wlih shads ready to hang fill Mta JUMBO HEATING Large rtae The FLYNN CO 413 Second 597 MoCAKKEY CREDIT Gnort'con- dltton 1V1 X'lclHiht J14 KTlHrd-at Attirel niwr a bargain ('has dbiHnsky 31 Pearl-at -57 OFFICK AND BTOl'R Sew end uaed terms Ufa Pollnaky 31 Pearl BKTA 11 AN UTFITK" Cnffoe urn Ktcam Ttables Cllmllle Counter Table New nr nurd C1IAK PDMXKKY 31 WVEARL-8T HEHTAITkaNT OUTFltk Ktcam iablci etiffce lima cotmtar tables rhi'ts dlalicR range KCUNOMY Kl lTLY CD 129 Ierl-t RESTAURANT AX'fi CONFEPtYOXERT FIXTI'RKH NEW AND USED MUNKTER-IAMII I'D 133 KTOV EH riigc: all ucd El'DX- GMY 1211 l'earlt "SWEET lly ilia glaita nr lMrrf Hitt'iilnl itrlre fur tlcaler Day Hrn Hytlratillo Cltlcr Mill Hvvli Mt llcalUty 371 lo THREE 4-rocket Taltlea aefi cheap linTKL THinn AND RROADIVAY 58 Wanted to Buy fnr Furniture Carnets IBnt as Canal 87837 Weehltt! Ht'RnnWK ADDING MAI'IITN'B Almuat new luted 8 week ctml 312 1 inily $121 Nnrwnnil 4308-TI99Y -Ql 11 AIIGAINH IN HUGH AND lllt'n MlyanF 33 Pearl-at ha Like new HttrrtanitilHSH "dehkh All ntploH Offlr-9 Clialnt Meinl nnd Wood Filing Cabinet fleotlnnal Honkcaau and Ufiltail1 I'OTilNKKY 1 niARL-HT it.
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