This Mod Adds NPCs To Project Zomboid | Build 41 — Set Ready Game (2024)

by Jeff

Project Zomboid is a deep survival game. With many features and mechanics all playing apart of the living, post-apocalyptic world. Some players may be getting lonely though. One of the things lacking from the game is the fact there are no characters or NPC’s apart from the obvious zombies. At one point in time in Project Zomboid’s development there were NPC’s. Unfortunately they have since been removed. The developers have stated that once they have a stable version of the game they plan to add NPC’s back in. But, there is a way you can play with NPC characters now, with the help of mods!

The Project Zomboid Mod to Add NPCs

Lonely survivors fear not! Today I am going to show you how you can grace your game with more characters. The Superb Survivors mod adds random characters to your game! This mod, which is available on the steam workshop is a mod for the Build 41 version of the game. This is the latest stable branch of the game. If you aren’t already playing on Build 41 I would totally recommend it! This build adds many new mechanics to the game such as a full exercise system, along with many other cool changes.

You can check out a guide on how to actually start playing Build 41 here.

This Mod Adds NPCs To Project Zomboid | Build 41 — Set Ready Game (1)

Once you are running the Build 41 version of the game you are able to subscribe and start using the Superb Survivors mod. Read the guide below on how to install and use this mod on Steam.

How to Add NPCs Using the Superb Survivors Mod

This is going to be a short guide on how to actually get the mod subscribed and running on your version of Project Zomboid. Once you are on the Build 41 version of the game head to the game in your steam library. We are now going to access the game’s workshop by selecting the Workshop heading in the game’s home screen. Alternatively you can start up your game as normal. Once you are at the main menu of the game, select the option which reads Workshop. With this menu open, select the first option; Open Steam Overlay to Spiffo’s Workshop. This will open the steam workshop for Project Zomboid. See the image below.

This Mod Adds NPCs To Project Zomboid | Build 41 — Set Ready Game (2)

Finding the Mod

Now that you are in the steam workshop, you will have to find the Superb Survivors mod order to subscribe to it. You can follow this link to see the mod we need to get. Copy and paste that link into your steam browser if you are having trouble finding the mod through a normal search. Once you have made it to that page on your steam client, press the green subscribe button below the images. This will automatically subscribe you to the mod, meaning you will download it and any updates that are published automatically. Wait for the mod to download and head back into your game.

Once downloaded, head to your game again and start a new game. It is always recommended to start a new game if there is any change in mods being enabled or disabled. Installing or uninstalling mods can break saves. You have been warned. Start a new game and at the bottom of the screen where you choose your difficulty, select the Choose Mods button. See the image below.

This Mod Adds NPCs To Project Zomboid | Build 41 — Set Ready Game (3)

Once you have opened up this menu, you will see all of the mods that you are subscribed to on the Project Zomboid mod workshop. If this is your first mod, then you will see it as the only mod on the list. If you have multiple mods, scroll down to the Superb Survivors mod and double-click on it to enable it. You should see a small green logo signalling that the mod is enabled into your game. Now you can go back and start a game as you normally would. Once you have launched the game you will see a few new spawn locations and by exploring you will meet new NPCs.

Using Superb Survivors to Play With NPCs

Now that yo have started the game, you won’t have to go far to find some NPCs. Be aware that there are not only friendly NPCs in the Superb Survivors mod. You will find rival gangs and enemies in the game that will try to hurt you as well. Be aware of the dangers that you may face when using this mod. Now, when you travel around the map you will find survivors walking the streets, looting houses and forming groups. If you’ve chosen one of the spawn points which is already home to a groups of survivors you will already see some.

This Mod Adds NPCs To Project Zomboid | Build 41 — Set Ready Game (4)

Interacting With Other NPCs

You can interact with NPC’s in the mod in many different ways. In order to use to mod to it’s fullest you will have to invite the survivor to your own group. This will allow you to gain a whole new host of options. You will be able to tell these survivors what to do and where to go. To ask a survivor to join your group, right-click on the to open up the action menu. If they aren’t close enough to you, use the Call Over action. Now, approach them and select the option Invite to Group.

This Mod Adds NPCs To Project Zomboid | Build 41 — Set Ready Game (5)

If successful, this survivor will now be apart of your group.. Keep in mind that you will only be able to recruit survivors that are currently neutral to your character. Some character will be outright hostile and won’t be able to join you. These NPCs will have a red nametag. At best, you should just try to avoid these types of NPCs because chances are they will try to attack you on-sight, or if they see you enter their place.

Once you have more survivors in your group you can order them around. You can do things like delegate an area to be deforested, areas to be looted and other area options as well. Right-click and experiment with some of the options the mod has to offer. You can also just talk with other NPCs to lower your character’s boredom level and keep them sane.


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This Mod Adds NPCs To Project Zomboid | Build 41 — Set Ready Game (2024)
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